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PAFA Accomplishments

We are often asked what the PAFA does with the membership money and donations we receive.  While it is never polite to brag we are very proud of what we have accomplished as a whole in our first seven years, and are very grateful to the hundreds of people who have made our goals become a realities. Most of the ideas for our projects and donations have come from students and their parents that have attended our meetings.  As alumni most of us do not know what daily items are needed and ideas for improvemnt at our school, and that is why the attendence at our meetings and memberships of current students' parents are so vital to PAFA.  Below are just some of the projects we have accomplished.

Bi Annual News letters

Susan Tysinger not only acts as our President, but she also serves as the Editor for our News Letters which we send out twice a year.  Susan works with our publisher Cathy Ingram  to produce articles that canect the past with the present, and helps lead PHS into the future.  Prior to the Spring of 2013 anyone could receive a free copy to their home.  In order to direct more money back into the school,  and the developement of our e-news, the policy changed, and only those who have joined in the past receive a hard copy.  For no other reason, the $25 dollars you spend on your memebership will lead to news updates about Page High for years to come. So please JOIN TODAY!


Student Scholarships &
Faculty training

Through the years we have given a number of student and teacher scholarships.  As one of our primary goals we like to offer as much to as many as possible to each senior class,  and this amount is determined by the number of memberships and money we raise by each Spring.



Flag Poles & Flags

It took a voice mail from and angry alumni to one of the PAFA executive members to identify a simple and over due fix.  The former Pirate said they were driving past Page and they came to a sudden halt when they noticed our school was flying a flag on a bent falg pole.  It was the original flag pole of the school.  Within weeks we had a taller, shiny, new pole flying all new flags including a Pirate Flag designed by the PAFA.

Sponsoring Holes of the Rivalry Reunion Golf Tournament

What could be more fun than playing golf with 143 Alumni from Page High School?  Easy....having your 143 friends beat your cross town rivals of Grimsley for the Annual Rivalry Reunion.  


Each year the PAFA supports two holes on the golf course to help recruit members while the tee off, and each year the support flows in from both Page and Grimsley.  Every years since the tournament has started it has raised over $10,000 for each school, and it has given away both a male and female student athlete scholarship from each school.  Find some friends and sign up today for the next tournament.

Concessions Stand and Bathrooms for Visitors

About ten years ago the Page Booster Club paid for designers to come up with a Athletic Master Plan for our facility.  A plan that would help improve what facilities our students had to use for practice, but also one that would help fans enjoy their time on our campus.  The PAFA gave it's largest donation to any one project in helping with the construction of the new concession stand & bathrooms located on the visitors side of teh field.

Alma Pinnix Hill

In one of our very first meetings the Alma Pinnix Hill was one of the first projects identified that the PAFA needed to restore to it's previous beauty.  Alma Pinnix was a woman who gave countless hours to the beautification of Page High, but after her passing  time and mother nature had reduced all of her efforts to look like an unloved campus.

​Karl Anderson took it upon himself to lead the charge to restoring the "Alma Pinnix Hill".  Our sign was covered with blue spray paint from our "friends" across town. The original bushes were covered in ivy, and the flowers were all gone, but with the help of HUNDRES of volunteers and the generous financial donations from the PAFA, the Alma Pinnix Hill now brings back memories from how it appeared in the 1970s and 80's.


Media Center Lounge

The "library" has changed compared to how most alumni remember it.  Starting with it now being called " The Media Center", the size was increased in the late 90's, and a part of it has been transformed into a lounge for students to use to read and relax between classes.
Identified as a project by Marilyn Foley the PAFA helped finance this new area.  Today students in their free time have a place to read between classes or during their lunch that feels more like sitting at home, rather than climbing behind a school desk.

Eagle Scout & Gold Awards

and other student projects

I'm a title

Each year we receive several requests to help different student associations, and members of the Boys and Girls Scouts of America to help finanace their projects.  Without these project the school would lose much of it's beauty.  


Many of the updates you see on campus came from the minds of current students and the strength of many to get their ideas accomplished.  

Auditorium Lobby Rnnovations

After hearing from many that our school needed to update the Auditorium Lobby to feel more up to date our association paid for seating to be used by students between classes, and a 36" digital monitor to help publish announcements and show replays of past performances.

Tutorial Programs

The PAFA has helped finance several tutorial programs at Page High School.  Our financial donations to the various projects have helped buy breakfast for students who come in early to tudor, small reward cards for those who help, and refreshments at the training classes for some programs.  Different tutorial programs have helped at Page High School and also our neighboring Cone Elementary .

Picnic Table/Lunch Tables

Lunch has changed compared to what most Alumni remember at Page.  Gone are the days where all classes could leave for lunch, and now only Seniors can venture off campus for lunch.  Page High was just not built  to seat this many students.


After learning "the sysytem" of who gets to eat where, and who used the few tables available, the PAFA was happy to buy additional tables for students to enjoy.  

"Digital" Media for the Media Center

In 2013 it was identified by our media specialist that our current supply of books per student was not up to national standard.  Our books were dated to the 1970, and the numbers just were below where we needed to be for our current enrollment.


PAFA made a large donation, and matched  funds given by Alumni to help bring in new material for our media center.  The purchase in the Spring of 2013  was for both digital and printed material

Page Cares

This program was launched as a response to the growing needs of the Page families who are experiencing economic hardships.  It is based on the use of gift cards from various food/clothing stores.  It offers the opportunity for parents to serve as models for their children in ways of serving those in their community that are struggling.  It is an opportunity for service learning in our own hometown and our own Page High School.

Display Materials for Art Show

In the Spring of 2013 a wonderful idea was brought to our association by the AP Art students.  The Art department wanted to hold their first Art Show to display the work of the students.  Some of the students attended our meeting and in a very thorough presentation asked us for support for the building materials for the displays.  The "easy sell" to our board was that the displays would be designed and assembled by others in a wood working class.  These displays will be used for years to come.

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