Page High School endured another tragedy in the Spring of 2019 with the drowning of freshman Malik Ramirez. Principal Erik Naglee shares the following about Malik and his impact on Page High School over his first year:
Malik was remembered fondly by staff and students alike. Ms. Spivey, his English teacher, remembers him as a truly sweet young man with a shy smile, a smile that would spread slowly across his face, making each day brighter and all the more special. A quiet but pensive young man, his eyes shone brightest when he was drawing. Page’s student body president remembers Malik as someone who was truly compassionate towards others, someone who would lift others up when they were struggling.
Malik quietly embodied what it means to be a Page Pirate. Friendly and respectful to his classmates, he made new friends easily. He loved having fun and making other people laugh. This positive spirit is something we most hope to instill in our students at Page. His history teacher, Ms. Wilkins, remarked how Malik would come in every day with a smile and a “good afternoon.” Malik possessed something special that will leave its mark in our school and in our hearts. His legacy will live on through this great program, spearheaded by the PAFA with support from the Page High School community.
According to the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, drowning is the third leading cause of unintentional injury-related death for ALLages, accounting for 7 percent of all injury-related deaths. The statistics are alarming:
Eight children drown each week in the United States.
For every child who dies from drowning, another five receive emergency care for nonfatal submersion injuries.
64% of African American children don’t know how to swim;
45% of Hispanic children don’t know how to swim.
40% of Caucasian children don’t know how to swim.
Drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury death for children under the age of 14 in the US.
With the blessings of Malik’s mother, Ms. Barbara Townsend, we are offering the Malik Ramirez/Page High School Learn to Swim Program. At the request of Page High School and the Page Alumni and Friends Association, The Greensboro Aquatic Center has developed a program for Page to teach life-saving water skills to Page students who have not yet learned to swim. This program will mirror the very successful, nationally recognized Learn to Swimprogram customized for GCS second graders. In the last nine years, Learn to Swimhas over 6,700 graduates from its life-saving water skills program.
WE NEED YOUR HELP!! Help us turn non-swimmers into swimmers.Included for each student are 6-8 swim lessons over a two-week period, instructors, lifeguards, pool time, towels, and a swim suit (if needed). The program will begin in September, will be during the school day with transportation provided, and will cost $60 per student. PLEASE consider sponsoring a Page student or two. For only $60 you can help one person avoid another tragedy such as Malik’s.
Thank you!
The Page Alumni and Friends Association